Just over half of the land at Caradoc is in arable production with predominant crops including Potatoes, Wheat and Oilseed rape. The soil is sandy and free draining and, as a result, organic matter in arable fields has been depleted. We are in the process of rebuilding our soils using cover crops, min-till and incorporating livestock into the system with herbal leys.
Potatoes can be particularly damaging to the soil so we have to be really careful if we want to keep growing them. Each field only has potatoes once in every 6 years so we can focus on rebuilding the soil in the interim years. As a staple food (and a delicious and versatile one!) we feel it is important to keep growing them but vital that we really look after the soil.
We use SCIMAP and experience to help us locate the most effective places grassy buffer strips, margins and new hedges to help reduce the risk of erosion that comes from loose soil that resulting from cultivation.