Schools and Groups

We believe that there are so many reasons to get kids out on farms. From learning where their food comes from and putting the curriculum into context, to the wellbeing benefits of being in nature and around animals. If you’re a teacher or parent who would be interested in visiting us then we’d really love to hear from you!

Activities at Caradoc are incredibly diverse and will change with the seasons. If the soil isn’t too wet or too dry we will definitely be digging holes! A teaspoon of healthy soil can contain as many as a billion living organisms and is a fabulous introduction to topics from almost every subject from biology to art, geography to maths. Soil related activities can be tailored to any age group from KS1 to A-level.

Topics that can be covered include food production, animal husbandry, conservation, life cycles, habitats, climate change. Activities can take place in the farmyard, fields, woodlands and even the river when shallow enough. We are open to groups wanting to do field work or to volunteer and are able to discuss a wide range of rural careers.

School visits are led by Dreda and Alice. Dreda completed CEVAS school visit training in July 2024 through LEAF education.